Blog SEO: How to Optimise Your Blogs for Search Engines

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A key component of digital marketing, search engine optimisation is the process of taking a piece of online content and optimising it for search engines.

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Are your blogs not getting the online visibility they deserve?

If yes, it might not be your content that is the problem, but in fact, your lack of SEO.

A key component of digital marketing, search engine optimisation is the process of taking a piece of online content and optimising it for search engines.

However, it is not enough to just optimise your website, you also need to optimise any other content you create, including your blog posts.

If you are not sure where to start when it comes to blog SEO, then the blog below is exactly what you need.

Keep reading to find out:

· What is blog SEO?

· Why is blog SEO so important?

· How to optimise your blog content for search engines

What is blog SEO?

Blog SEO, or blog search engine optimisation, involves optimising your blog content so that it will rank higher in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

There are several aspects of blog SEO that need your attention, including:

· Keyword research

· Content writing

· On-page SEO

· Link building

Why is blog SEO important?

While you may think that blogs themselves are enough to boost your SEO efforts and drive organic traffic to your site, you need to get serious about blog SEO if you want to see optimum results.

For example, if you take the time to carry out keyword research, you will be able to consistently rank for keywords that people are searching for, which will ensure you attract targeted traffic from search engines.

Furthermore, although social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are great for giving a quick spike in website traffic, SEO remains the most effective digital marketing method for a steady flow of traffic that will not decrease over time.

How to optimise blogs for search engines

Step 1: Find a keyword

Keyword research can be overwhelming, especially if you are new to the process. Fortunately, when it comes to blog SEO, you only need to focus on finding one main keyword. This keyword should be something that people are regularly searching for so that you can ensure a consistent flow of traffic to your site.

There are several online tools that you can use to carry out keyword research, including Google Keyword Planner, which is free to use.

You can also find keywords by checking out your competitors to see what terms their blogs are ranking well for.

If your blog is new, it is best to focus on low-competition and long-tail keywords.

Step 2: Assess search intent

If you want to ensure that you create content that searchers are actually searching for and interested in, you need to make sure that you are looking into their search intent.

To do this, simply type your chosen keyword into Google and take a look at the search results that come up. If you are met with blog posts in some of the top results, then you know that people are looking for informational content relating to this keyword.

How-to guides and step-by-step tutorials are always a winning format for searchers with informational intent.

Step 3: Optimise your post

Once you have your main keyword and you are sure that people are actively searching it, the next step is to add it to your blogs.

Ideally, you should find your keyword before you write a blog post, but you can go back to old posts and refresh the content with a new keyword to boost their rankings.

There are several key places within a blog where you should aim to include your keyword, including:

· In the title and title tag

· In your introduction and conclusion sections

· In your H1, H2 and H3 subheadings

Although you want to make sure that you are using your keyword enough times to be noticed by search engines, you do not want to overuse it – doing so is known as keyword stuffing. Instead, aim to include your keyword as naturally as possible to enhance the user experience.

Our top blog SEO tips:

· Focus on finding long-tail keywords

· Choose the right blog format

· Optimise your blog for mobile devices

· Optimise your meta description

· Link to other related blog posts

· Publish evergreen content

· Always include a call to action (CTA) If any of this seems confusing then you can read more about Content writing or SEO on our website or if you want to discuss your SEO and content needs then give us a call on 01706 548 220 or email:

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